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Special Commands


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Special Commands

These commands must be entered into the game chat.

Command Description:

  • .autofarm                                System of automatic farming.
  • .offlinefarm                             Offline automatic farming system.
  • .offline                                     System of offline trading.
  • .lfg                                           System of selection of players in the group.
  • .cfg                                          Personal settings.
  • .ipro                                         Enable protection against stealing items from the character.
  • .unipro                                     Disable protection against stealing items from the character.
  • .7rb                                          List of killed 7 Raid Boss, on the quest 7RB.
  • .epic                                        Current information on Raid Boss.
  • .buff имя схемы                    It is not necessary to enter the buff scheme from the buffer Alt + B, there is a special command for this.
  • .whoiam                                  Additional information about your character, you can find out the characteristics and rates.
  • .acp                                         Setting up automatic use of the CP\HP\MP potion.
  • .buff_store                              System for selling your buffs.
  • .km-all-to-me                          Call for the leader, a fee is charged, there is a cd.
  • .ping                                        Check the delay to the server in milliseconds.
  • .repair                                      If your character can't log into the game (crashes, or only loads until splash screen), use this command with another character from the same account. It will send your character to the nearest town, and move the items to the warehouse.
  • .clanlist                                   Information about clan members, clan leader.
  • .clanblock ник время           Ability for Clan Leader to block the clan chat player.
  • .clan_kick                               Service for convenient exclusion of players from the clan.
  • .event_invite                          Disabling and enabling invitations to events.
  • .party                                      Information about group members.
  • .party_inst                              Information about the instances of group members.
  • .checkrewtimer                      Remaining time until the reward for being in the game.
  • /olympiadstat                         Information about the games at the Olympiad.
  • /clanpenalty                           Information about clan penalties.
  • /instancezone                        Information about the time of the backyard visit to the instances.
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